MEF SD-WAN Certified Professional (MEF-SDCP)

MEF SD-WAN Certified Professional

The SD-WAN market is one of the hottest in the communications industry, with tens of billions of dollars in revenue at stake in the next 5 years. IDC estimates that the global SD-WAN infrastructure market (excluding managed services) will reach USD 5.3 billion by 2023 due to strong enterprise demand and the embrace of SD-WAN by leading service providers seeking to provide enterprises with dynamic management of hybrid WAN connections with guaranteed Quality of Service on a per-application basis. The US managed SD-WAN services market alone is projected to reach USD 4.5 billion by 2023, according to Vertical Systems Group.

The comprehensive SD-WAN training by Telefocal Asia is an excellent career enabler for SD-WAN service providers, integrators, network consultants, technology solution providers, and more. Telefocal helps equip candidates sitting for the MEF-SDCP examination with the necessary knowledge and skills required in the implementation and operation of SD-WAN solutions in multi-vendor environments. Successful candidates who have passed the exam will be certified as an MEF SD-WAN Certified Professional and recognized in the MEF Certified Professional Registry. 

  • Network Engineers/Operation Engineers
  • System Engineers (eg. Application Engineers)
  • Network Engineer Managers
  • Network Consulting Engineers
  • Product Developers
  • Enterprise Solution Designers
  • Sales Engineers
  • Network Architects
  • Product Support and IT Directors
Instructor-led Training
  • Classroom: 3 days
  • LIVE Virtual*: 21 hours
  • A minimum of 6 or more participants are required to commence a company-based LIVE Virtual course
  • LIVE Virtual courses can be conducted for 5 hours or 7 hours daily. Please note that the number of training days will be extended if you opt for 5 hours daily.

23 – 25 Sep 2024 (Mon – Wed), GMT +08:00
If you are keen on attending the above scheduled course, please register your interest via course enquiry form.

At the end of this course, participants will learn:

  • How to design and build enterprise sites
  • Reasons for SD-WAN
  • Building blocks for SD-WAN
  • Benefits of SD-WAN to end-users and enterprises
  • Building blocks for SD-WAN
  • Transport-independence of the underlay network
  • Service assurance of SD-WAN connections
  • High availability of SD-WAN services
  • How to apply policy-based packet forwarding for SD-WAN
  • The key specifications and standards for SD-WAN
  • SD-WAN deployment scenarios
  1. SD-WAN Concepts, Business Benefits and Value Proposition
  • Compare and contrast infrastructure and operational benefits of SD-WAN with legacy solutions
  • Given a scenario, recommend and justify an SD-WAN strategy based on customer requirements
  • Given a scenario, recommend a migration strategy from existing infrastructure to an SD-WAN service
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the SD-WAN terminology, concepts, and Service Attributes
  1. Planning, Design, and Architecture
  • Given a scenario, define the correct Application Flow Specifications needed to meet the Business Requirement
  • Given a scenario, design the Policies needed to meet the Business Requirement
  • Given a scenario, design the architecture of an SD-WAN Service that meets the Business Requirement
  • Select the appropriate Underlay Connectivity Service for an SD-WAN network based on the types and characteristics of available options
  • Given a scenario, partition the subscriber’s IP hosts in Zones and assign Zone-wide Policies based on Business Requirements
  • Design the appropriate Virtual Topology to meet a particular application scenario
  • Based on Business Requirements, determine the appropriate use of Internet Breakout
  1. Deploy, Optimize, Maintain
  • Given a scenario, validate the correct definition and assignment of Policies to Application Flows
  • Given a scenario, tune SD-WAN Service Attributes and/or UCS selection to address service problems
  • Based on application requirements, determine the appropriate Performance Metrics and values for Application Flows
  • Identify service improvements to increase availability for a specific Application Flow
  • Demonstrate knowledge of IP Addressing and IP Routing
  1. Securing an SD-WAN Service
  • Understand the situations in which a Middle Box Function is necessary
  • Given a security threat, select the appropriate security functions to mitigate the threat
  • Understand how to use allow and block lists for a particular security function
  • Given a scenario, determine whether an Application Flow’s security requirements are met
  1. Monitoring an SD-WAN Service
  • Given a scenario, troubleshoot issues with an SD-WAN Service
  • Understand the Service Readiness requirements for an SD-WAN Service
  • Given a scenario, determine how to monitor the performance metrics for an SD-WAN service
  • Understand the use of Threshold Crossing Alerts for an SD-WAN service
  • Understanding of basic networking concepts such as switching, routing, and security
  • General knowledge of basic IP routing protocols such as BGP and OSPF
  • General knowledge of networking technologies such as Internet, MPLS, ethernet, and mobile
  • General knowledge in the design, deployment, and troubleshooting of wide area networks

At the end of the course, candidates will sit through a proctored MEF-SDCP examination.

  • The examination will be conducted in English.
  • Candidates will need to complete 50 MCQs within 90 minutes.
  • The MEF-CECP certificate will only be issued upon scoring 65% or higher in the exam, and will be valid for 3 years from the date of issue.
  • Learning domains (topics) covered:
    • SD-WAN Concepts, Business Benefits and Value Proposition
    • Planning, Design, and Architecture
    • Deploy, Optimize, Maintain
    • Securing an SD-WAN Service
    • Monitoring an SD-WAN Service
  • Re-certification should be taken within 3 years of certification, prior to certificate expiration.

Why choose Telefocal Asia for MEF-SDCP training and certification?


Below are some of the reasons why customers worldwide choose Telefocal for MEF-SDCP training and certification:

  • We conduct pre-training assessment of participants before course commencement with a goal to bridge knowledge gaps and meet training expectations.
  • Our trainers have many years of practical design and deployment experiences with telco operators and vendors alike.
  • Our trainers are engaging with excellent presentation and delivery skills.
  • Our MEF-SDCP training manuals are officially audited by the MEF and professionally prepared, printed and bound.
  • Last but not least, our trainers are MEF-SDCP certified.

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